AFTER SPENDING THEIR TIME STALLINGS Sabine and Sean have tied the knot

Mr. & Mrs Stallings after the ceremony

By Rosie Bourget *

What a wonderful opportunity to make your ceremony unique and so much more meaningful by having family, friends, out of town guests and coworkers joining you to help shape your very special day into a celebration to remember !

Sabine Jean Francois, daughter of Ms. Rosie Bourget of Port-au-Prince, Haiti, Sean Stallings, son of Mitchell and Katherine Stallings of Atlanta, GA, were married March 30th, 2019. The ceremony and reception were held at Che’ne Rouge in Hiram, GA with Rev. Pastor Arthur Grier officiating at the ceremony. The description of the wedding dress was Ball Gown.

The groom’s mother works for Metro Atlanta Transit Authority. His father is a department manager for Kroger Grocery Store in Douglasville, GA. The bride’s mother is a school social worker for Broward County Public Schools in Florida. She received a master’s degree in Social Work from Barry University in Miami, FLORIDA. She is also a poet and a staff writer for Haiti-Observateur (a Haitian newspaper published in New York.) Moreover, Ms. Bourget has published three poetry books in three different languages, French, English and Creole.

Given in marriage by her brother Jovan Young-Jean Francois, a financial credit risk analyst at USAA in San Antonio, Texas. The bride was attended by her friends Crystal Davis, as maid of honor, a graduate of the University of Florida with a bachelor in Health Administration. She also holds a nursing degree from Broward College; and with Paris Nelms as matron of honor, a Florida International University (FIU) graduate with a Criminal Justice degree. The bridesmaids were Ashley Livingston, Tamala Sands, Kaylah Tate and Dominique Taborn. The flower girls, who followed the maid of honor, were Laila Davis, M’Kayla Stallings, and the couple’s daughters Skylar Marie Stallings pulling her baby sister Santanna Nia Stallings in a wagon. The best man was the middle brother of the groom, Julian Stallings, a math teacher with a bachelor in education from Georgia State University. Among those who served as groomsmen were Mitchell Stallings, Jr. who is also the big brother of the groom, Phil George, Brian Winkley, Mario Crowder, Tobias Brantley and Henry Halverson.

Born and raised in Miramar, Florida, the bride, 30, is a Claim Supervisor for GEICO in Macon, GA. She graduated from the University of Florida with a Bachelor of Science degree in Public Relations. Enterprise Rent a Car as an assistant manager employed her before moving to Georgia. The groom, also 30, graduated from Stillman College with a master’s degree in Education and History. He is currently employed at Frederick Douglas High School as a Social Studies teacher. Additionally, Sean is a baseball and softball coach as well for the school. After their honeymoon in Negril, Jamaica, the new couple will reside in Atlanta, Georgia. Sabine and Sean met through a mutual friend, Phil George, at their friend’s house on their way to a party.

Sabine and Sean you have my support and love as a couple. and as a family. With all my heart, I congratulate the commitment you have made to each other on this day. May the love you share get deeper each passing day; you wake up next to each other ready to start each new day on the right foot, ready to live a life full of happiness, joy, and goodness. Congratulations on your union have a spectacular life together!

*Rosie Bourget is the mother of the bride

April 3, 2019



To my Daughter Sabine

By Rosie Bourget

I look at you at this moment

So ready to start a new life

So ready to face a new world

But in my heart, I’m thinking

Back to when I first held my little girl,

And I said to myself, gosh,

She is everything I dreamed

I hope she knows how proud I am

To have a daughter

As wonderful as her!


I look at you at this moment

And I’m thinking, it may be time

to let my girl go for good,

but the things I’m keeping for

myself, are my precious memories!


As the time has come for you

to transition from daughter to wife,

May success find its way to your heart.

Tomorrow may bring you the greatest of joy

But today is the day it all starts!


May you and Sean be each other’s

sun and moon as your destinies unfold.

And should you lose sight of each other

and start to drift apart,

May you circle back by following

The compass of your hearts!

March 30, 2019

The bride's mother & uncle entering the reception area

Mother of The Bride Speech

March 30, 2019

Good evening everyone. Welcome!

My name is Rosie, and I am the mother of the bride.

I would like to thank you for joining us today,

Especially those who have traveled a long way.

We could not be more honored by your presence here

 To celebrate the marriage of my daughter Sabine

 And her other half Sean.

There is a reason I am giving this speech today

And that is because Sabine always speaks highly of me.

I figure her wedding day is the perfect occasion

Not only to return the favor,

But also to shine a light on my daughter,

And express my pride and my love for the new couple.

My speech is like a mini skirt,

Long enough to cover the essentials,

And short enough to hold your attention.

Sabine, I’m going to take this opportunity

To apologize for one thing that I did to you

 While you were growing up.

I am sorry for making you go to bed

Every night at 8:30 from preschool

Until you graduated high school,

As it may have helped make you

 Who you are today.

Sabine is the sunshine to all the people who know her

And truly, the most beautiful gift

And blessing I have ever been given.

It is with magnificent love and delight

That I stand here today

To wish my beautiful daughter,

A blessed life, full of happiness and joy.

As a child Sabine surrounded herself with a lot of friends.

Some of whom are here today.

She was always happy,

Always finding good in all human beings

Whether they are classmates, neighbors,

Acquaintances and friends,

Everyone she meets is touched by her kindness.

Sabine, as a little girl,

I remember how talkative you were in kindergarten

To the point that Sister Isabel who was the principal

Of Corpus Christie Catholic School,

Rewarded you for being

The most talkative student in the classroom.

She gave you a card and

On the cover page was a parrot.

If you knew how to read between the lines,

She meant to say you talked like a parrot.

It’s amazing how you have grown

From a talkative, pretty little girl

Into a beautiful, intelligent, caring,

Respectful and hardworking young woman.

I am incredibly lucky to have you

As a daughter as well as a friend

Who I value and treasure with all my heart.

I understand that I can no longer hold your hand

 To walk you to class every morning,

But I will always hold you onto my heart.

I would like to say a few words to Sean’s parents

Cathy and Mitchell Stallings

For doing such a great job

 Raising such a wonderful son.

I couldn’t wish for a better man

 For Sabine than Sean.

I would also like to take a moment

To welcome Sean into the family

And thank him for the joy and happiness

He brings my daughter.

I was delighted when Sabine met Sean

And brought him home for the first time.

Sean, you may have not married

The woman you want to live with.

However, you have married the woman

 You cannot live without.

Now that the two of you become one

And are heading on an amazing journey together,

 I hope the love you share will make you feel

Cherished but not spoiled,

 Directed but not controlled,

Wanted but not possessed.

The book of marriage has many chapters.

Even though some of them are difficult,

They can be easy to understand 

It depends on how you read them.

As you start reading the first chapter from this day forward,

Remember that saying,

“There is no such thing as a perfect marriage”.

Nevertheless, when you make mistakes,

Always take steps to correct them.

My greatest advices to you are that,

When times get tough, remember your wedding day.

Remember the promises you made

And the vows you exchanged.

Use the light you have found in each other

To brighten your love and bring it fresh charm.

A marriage is like a partnership

Whose purpose is the management of a shared life.

You are partners, not adversaries in a contest.

You will either win together or you will lose together.

Treat your partner as you would like to be treated.

Go out of your way to make your partner feel unique.

Be completely transparent with each other.

Be your partner’s mentor and learn from each other.

Consider your partner’s feelings when making big decisions.

And more importantly, communicate with your partner

Because poor communication is the number one weakness

 Of even the most successful marriage.

 Success in marriage is not only finding the right person,

It is being the right person.

Sabine and Sean

You have my support and love for you as a couple,

And as a family.

With all my heart I congratulate the commitment

 You have made to each other today.

May you both have a long, happy, healthy life,

And a love that grows stronger

With each passing day!

Rosie Bourget

Soutenir sa Famille au quotidien

Quand tout va bien on peut compter sur les autres, quand tout va mal on ne peut compter que sur sa famille. Ah, la famille, cette notion si chère à tous et pourtant si compliquée à la fois. La famille, ce lieu sacré, mais pourtant la plupart du temps source de nos plus gros soucis, nos plus grandes tristesses. Tout le monde, de n’importe quels horizons qu’il soit, at des avis bien tranchés sur la question. Entre ironie, humour, sarcasme, colère ou véritable amour, on se rend que la famille engendre toujours des sentiments assez spécifiques et particuliers aux yeux des gens. Mais quelle est la responsabilité des individus envers la famille ?  Chaque membre d’une famille a un rôle à jouer. Chacun doit contribuer à la survie et au bien-être de sa famille. Chacun doit assumer cette responsabilité en fonction de ses aptitudes. Apporter aide et soutien à sa famille valorise l’individu. Cela le rend confiant et le prépare à jouer un rôle dans la société.

Quand on fonde une famille, c’est pour pouvoir s’entraider, se soutenir. Car la famille est un lieu d’entraide et d’amour. Une bonne famille soutient chacun de ses membres. Elle doit les protéger et les aider à s’épanouir et à réussir dans leur vie. Fonder ou rejoindre une famille donne donc des responsabilités. Ces responsabilités sont de contribuer à la survie et au bien-être de la famille. Tout membre d’une famille doit assumer cette responsabilité en fonction de son âge et de ses capacités. Dans une bonne famille, chaque membre reconnaît sa responsabilité vis-à-vis des autres. La vie y est bien organisée. Chacun joue son rôle pour le bien de tous. Car on partage beaucoup dans une famille : les moyens de survie, les activités, les joies, les peines, etc.

La responsabilité dans la famille valorise l’individu. Apporter aide et soutien à sa famille donne de la signification à l’individu. Cela lui permet de jouer un rôle et de se sentir utile. L’individu se sent alors valorisé et plus confiant. Il est reconnu et apprécié par les autres membres de la famille. De plus, son action pour la famille le prépare à pouvoir mieux assumer d’autres responsabilités dans la société. En effet, ce sont les responsabilités qui font de nous des hommes. Elles nous permettent d’évoluer et de nous élever. Il faut donc absolument les assumer. Chacun doit poser des actes positifs dans sa famille. Il doit chercher à participer à la survie de la famille. Il doit contribuer au bien-être de la famille. Il doit participer activement à la réussite de chacun. Il doit être disponible à chaque fois que son semblable a besoin de lui pour l’aider. Il doit se comporter en sorte que l’harmonie règne.

Il est primordial de participer à la survie de votre famille. Vous devez chercher à subvenir aux besoins de la famille si vous êtes en âge et en capacité de travailler. Vous devez participer financièrement à la vie commune. Vous devez aussi participer aux tâches nécessaires (ménage, cuisine, réparations, gros entretien, etc.). Chacun doit participer selon ses aptitudes, homme ou femme, jeune ou plus âgé. Vous devez utiliser votre argent efficacement. L’argent doit servir à nourrir la famille, à l’abriter, l’habiller, la soigner et assurer son bien-être. Il ne faut pas gaspiller l’argent dans des achats luxueux ou dans le jeu si vous n’en avez pas les moyens. «  Dans la vie, on a deux familles : celle dont on hérite et qu’il faut accepter, et celle que l’on se choisit. » Azzedine Alaïa

Est-ce que le vol « Petro Caribe Challenge » atteindra la piste d’atterrissage ?

Haiti-observateur 12-19 septembre 2018

Par Rosie Bourget

Lorsqu’il s’agit des fonds Petro Caribe il n’y a pas de meilleur endroit que la Cour Supérieure des Comptes et du contentieux administratif (CSC/CA) pour demander des comptes à la classe politique haïtienne sur la dilapidation de 3.8 milliards de dollars, issus du programme vénézuélien de coopération Petro Caribe. Des milliers d’hommes et de femmes venus des secteurs culturel, artistique et entrepreneurial organisent des marchent pacifique partout ailleurs pour faire entendre leur voix concernant les fonds Pétro Caribe qui ont disparu dans des conditions inconnues. Cette lutte aura-t-elle mit fin, une fois pour toutes, à la corruption, à la domination criminelle de la bourgeoisie monopoliste des Etats-Unis ? Combien arrive à destination parmi les aides que vous envoyez dans le pays, que ce soit en liquide, en nourriture ou en vêtements, avant, pendant et après un désastre naturel ?

Le rapport d’une commission du Sénat haïtien sur le scandale Petro Caribe avait pointé du doigt plusieurs hauts fonctionnaires, notamment 15 anciens ministres soupçonnés de corruption et de détournement de fonds publics. Ce rapport est resté dans les tiroirs de la Cour Supérieure des Comptes sans suite nécessaire. Les internautes haïtiens espèrent que leur mouvement incite la justice à se saisir enfin du dossier. Mais de quelle justice parlent-ils ? Nous supposons que ce n’est pas de la justice haïtienne.

Si le tribunal correctionnel et la cour d’assises sont compétents pour juger les civiles, quel tribunal compétent juge alors les voleurs de fonds Petro Caribe et les autres membres du gouvernement ? Il en existe bel et bien un qui peut s’occuper du jugement de ces derniers, mais  est-ce les juges sont à la hauteur de cette tâche ? D’ailleurs, selon Me André Michel,  le juge Paul Pierre désigné par le doyen du tribunal de première instance de Port-au-Prince, Bernard Sainvil, pour instruire les plaintes déposées contre les anciens fonctionnaires impliqués dans la mauvaise gestion des fonds Petro Caribe se serait  déporté du dossier. Le magistrat instructeur aurait pris cette décision en raison de pressions dont il serait l’objet de la part du parquet de Port-au-Prince pour qu’il se dessaisisse du dossier.


C’est ce que tout le monde demande partout sur les réseaux sociaux. On veut savoir où est passé cet argent. Pour qu’il y ait justice relative au détournement des fonds Petro Caribe, une révolution plus musclée que celle de 1804 s’impose. Les citoyens disent : « on en a assez », ils espèrent que la justice va trancher sur ce qui se passe pour qu’on ait une lumière dans l’obscurité de la corruption, sur ces 3,8 milliards censés faire avancer le développement du pays ces dix dernières années. On compte sur la cour Supérieure des Comptes pour prendre ses responsabilités, pensant qu’elle est une institution crédible et forte. Pourtant, elle est plus corrompue que les dilapideurs eux-mêmes. Comment demander à une personne responsable de la Cour Supérieure des Comptes de gérer un dossier de cette envergure alors qu’elle fut la petite amie de plusieurs d’entre ceux qui ont détourné les Fonds Petro Caribe ! Question de conflit d’intérêt. Les organisateurs du mouvement Petro Caribe-Challenge doivent faire d’une pierre de plusieurs coups. Ils doivent aussi demander des comptes à des institutions telles: la Croix Rouge Haïtienne, la Fondation Clinton, l’Unité Centrale de Renseignements Financiers (l’UCREF)…

Est-ce que l’Église a donné sa langue au chat ?

Pourquoi l’église ne prend pas position pour la lutte contre la corruption? Pourquoi le cardinale Langlois ne dit rien concernant l’affaire Petro Caribe ? Puisque c’est l’Église catholique qui nous a enseigne ce verset « esclaves soyez soumis à vos maitres. » alors que peut-on espérer des curés/prêtes ? Le président de la fédération des églises protestantes a-t-il pris la poudre d’escampette ? Lui qui est toujours présent pour prier pour les politiciens afin que Dieu leur donne la force pour mieux piller les fonds publics. Si vous ignorez la lutte du peuple, si vous refusez d’accompagner le peuple à porter ce mouvement jusqu’au bout, c’est parce que vous êtes tous des imposteurs. La corruption a été toujours une plaie au sein de l’Église. Les personnes aux positions de leader religieux jouent un rôle clé dans la corruption. A preuve, qui dénonce les bévues des prêtes et des pasteurs ? Qui dénonce qui, ou quoi que ce soit dans l’Eglise? Quel verset biblique donne droit aux leaders religieux de molester les enfants ? Quel tribunal ose condamner ces prêtes/pasteurs prédateurs sexuels ? Les deux testaments que nous présente la Bible, l’ancien et le nouveau, associent étroitement la corruption au péché. Le premier péché connu sous le nom de péché originel n’est-il pas intimement lié à la corruption ?

Fière chandelle aux initiateurs du mouvement Petro Caribe-Challenge

Ce mouvement petro-challenge est un levain utile pour toute la société haïtienne, face à la violence sournoise de la corruption qui  s’infiltre partout dans les instructions. Il est en particulier nécessaire de maintenir une attention envers ceux qui ont initié le mouvement Petro-challenge afin que chacun se sente écouté et compris pour sortir le peuple de la spirale de la corruption, de l’exclusion et de l’inégalité. Pour une cause noble et sans violence, ces jeunes se sont lancés dans cette lutte contre la corruption avec seulement des banderoles, pancartes, maillots imprimés, assiettes et même des morceaux de carton tagués, imprimés avec des slogans explicites. C’est un effort qui mérite d’être loué. Gardez la flambeau allumé tout en exigeant transparence, explication et justice dans cette affaire de détournement des fonds petro Caribe.

Au nom des sans voix, nous exprimons notre ferme soutien à la juste lutte du peuple. La lutte des jeunes internautes contre la corruption est une composante de la lutte générale du peuple haïtien contre l’impérialisme américain, une composante d’une nouvelle révolution haïtienne de notre temps. Contrairement aux leaders religieux corrompus, nous encourageons les artistes, les écoliers, les universitaires et les intellectuels qui vivent dans tous les pays étrangers ainsi que tous ceux qui veulent combattre la corruption à passer à l’action et à manifester une puissante solidarité aux jeunes internautes en lutte et au mouvement Petro-challenge.

Vue l’ampleur de petro-challenge, il parait que le Core Groupe sent l’odeur de quelque chose. Il est bruit que les institutions onusiennes ont déjà demande à leur personnel en Haïti de faire preuve de prudence. Que l’affaire Petro Caribe déclenche sur une guerre civile ou pas, le peuple haïtien exige des explications. Il en a assez de ces dirigeants voleurs de grand chemin. Haïtien du monde entier, unissez-vous plus étroitement encore pour garder la flamme vivante. Lancez des attaques soutenues contre notre ennemi commun, contre ceux qui ont dilapidé les fonds Petro Caribe, et contre ses complices (le colonialisme, l’impérialisme et de tous les systèmes d’exploitation, ainsi que le FMI).

Journée des Câlins

Aujourd’hui, 21 janvier 2018, c’est la journée des câlins. Cette journée qui encourage la tendresse et valorise le contact humain peut ne pas vous dire grand-chose. Par contre, elle tombe à point puisqu’elle me donne l’occasion de faire de gros câlins aux gens qui me sont chers. Si vous recevez ce message, ce n’est pas un heureux hasard. Rassurez-vous que vous êtes du nombre.

Câlinement vôtre,

Rosie Bourget (Poétesse)

21 janvier 2018

Partagez avec ceux qui comptent pour vous, car une petite tape sur l’épaule fait du bien de temps en temps. Nous avons tous besoins de tendresse.


Tumulte Des Fêtes de Fin d’Année.

Haiti-observateur 13-20 decembre 2017

Par Rosie Bourget

Comme un acteur avant un tournage ou une pièce de théâtre, tout le monde a des papillons à l’estomac avant et pendant un événement. Ne vous êtes-vous jamais arrêté pour réfléchir aux activités intenses, souvent fébriles, qui marquent les derniers mois de l’année, pour vous demander, y a-t-il une raison à ces choses ?  Pourquoi les fêtes de fin d’année sont sources de stress? Que faire pour profiter pleinement de cette période de réjouissance ? La Toussaint, la Noël, les réveillons en famille ou entre amis, le Nouvel An, vous êtes souvent confronté à des moments de stress où vous vous demandez si vous allez être en mesure d’offrir des jouets à vos enfants et des cadeaux à vos proches, collègues et amis. En réalité, tout est une question de gestion et de bon sens.

Le stress des Fêtes est souvent inévitable. Souvent rempli de moments de joie, ce temps fort de l’année charrie en effet tout un lot d’occasions toutes plus stressantes les unes que les autres. De quoi regretter la relative tranquillité de notre routine. Même si vous aimez la folie caractéristique de ce temps de réjouissances et de congés, vous pouvez vous attendre à ce que votre niveau de stress augmente. Tout ce que vous allez faire pour que tout le monde soit heureux pendant ce plus beau temps de l’année  peut faire monter la tension et éventuellement faire sauter les plombs.

Qu’on le veuille ou non, ce sont les femmes qui sont particulièrement vulnérables à ce stress du temps des fêtes, qui s’exprime dans ce qu’on pourrait appeler les bleus de l’après-fête. En effet, elles prennent encore régulièrement à leur compte la responsabilité de faire en sorte que cette période de festivités soit agréable pour toute la famille, immédiate ou agrandie.

Ne vous soumettez pas à la tentation

Il est important de signaler que les gâteries du temps des fêtes sont souvent délicieuses, mais peu nutritives. Durant les événements sociaux, essayez de ralentir le rythme de la dégustation des gourmandises un peu trop tentantes. Recherchez des aliments sains, comme des assiettes de fruits et de légumes frais. Donnez-vous la permission de prendre quelques mets particulièrement dangereux mais en modération. Optez pour une petite portion, prenez votre temps et savourez  chaque bouchée des gâteries les plus onctueuses et les plus sucrées.

Comment maitriser le stress des fêtes de fin d’année

Aussi bizarre que cela puisse paraître, trop de bon stress peut occasionner du mauvais stress. Comme on dit, trop c’est comme pas assez. Alors, si vous avez tellement d’invitations à des veillées, à des dîners, même si elles vous semblent toutes plus intéressantes les unes que les autres, prenez le temps de faire des priorités

Par exemple, si le 22 vous avez la soirée de bureau, le 24 la soirée chez votre frère Claude, après une journée à faire des courses urgentes, de déplacements hors de la ville, d’achats de dernière minute, suivie du réveillon chez votre mère après la messe de minuit, le déjeuner de Noël chez-vous avant d’aller dîner chez des amis. Puis, si le 27 vous ne pouvez-vous échapper de l’incontournable et traditionnel dîner chez la belle-sœur. Et si, pour terminer avec l’apothéose, vous avez en plus de tout cela la soupe de giraumont (soup joumou) traditionnel du Jour de l’An à préparer et le dîner du Jour des Aïeux (2 janvier) auquel vous invitez vos amis à déguster avec vous le premier grand repas de l’année.

Si cela ressemble à votre histoire, alors faites des priorités. Demandez-vous: si je n’avais qu’une seule soirée, qu’un seul dîner, en supposant donc que je n’ai qu’un seul choix, qu’est-ce que je prendrais? Puis, quel serait mon deuxième choix? Continuez ainsi et éliminez ceux qui se retrouvent en bas de liste. Pas facile à faire, me dites-vous, parce qu’on ne veut déplaire à personne. Essayez de mettre en œuvre ces petits conseils  pour rendre votre temps des fêtes aussi joyeux, sain et sans stress que possible.

Mes remerciements et souhaits à mes lecteurs

Alors que l’année touche bientôt à sa fin, observant les règles de la bienséance, je ne saurais terminer cet article sans formuler vivement mes vœux de remerciements à mes fidèles lecteurs d’avoir accordé leur précieux temps tout le long de cette année 2017 à ma rubrique de Développement Personnel. J’espère que j’étais à la hauteur de vos attentes.  Permettez que je vous souhaite de très bonnes fêtes de fin d’année avec les meilleurs vœux pour une année 2018 pleine de nouvelles surprises. Ce fut un plaisir d’être votre chroniqueuse durant les cinq dernières années. Je souhaite avoir le privilège d’être avec vous tous l’année prochaine.

MTS (Maitrise en Travail Social)

SSW (School Social Worker)

Travailleuse sociale scolaire

How To Incorporate Mindful Eating

Mindful eating is another practical way to incorporate mindfulness into your life. This practice involves eating slowly, savoring each bite, and removing distractions such as television or smartphones. It’s about connecting with the experience of eating and the food itself. By noticing the colors, smells, and textures of your food, you can foster a deeper appreciation for your meals and the nourishment they provide.

Mindful eating can transform the way you think about food and mealtime. By paying attention to the flavors, textures, and smells of your food, you can enjoy your meals more and often find you eat less. This practice also encourages healthier eating habits and a more balanced relationship with food. Over time, you may find that you’re more attuned to your body’s hunger and fullness cues, leading to healthier portion sizes and improved digestion.

Black Inventors Who Made Daily Life Easier

Most people have heard about famous inventions like the light bulb, the cotton gin and the iPhone. But there are countless other, often overlooked inventions that make our daily lives easier. Among the creative innovators behind these devices are African American inventors.

Improved Ironing Board, Invented by Sarah Boone in 1892

The ironing board is a product that’s used possibly just as much as it’s overlooked. In the late 19th century, it was improved upon by Sarah Boone, an African American woman who was born enslaved. One of the first Black women in U.S. history to receive a patent, she expanded upon the original ironing board, which was essentially a horizontal wooden block originally patented in 1858. With Boone’s 1892 additions, the board featured a narrower and curved design, making it easier to iron garments, particularly women’s clothing. Boone’s design would morph into the modern ironing board that we use today.

Home Security System, Co-Invented by Mary Van Brittan Brown in 1966

Before security systems became a fixture in homes, an African American nurse Mary Van Brittan Brown, devised an early security unit for her own home. She spent many nights at home alone in Queens, New York while her husband was away, and felt unsafe with high rates of crime in her neighborhood. On top of that, police were unreliable and unresponsive. So she created a device that would help put her mind at ease.

In 1966, Brown invented a system that used a camera that could slide into and look through four peepholes in her front door. The camera’s view would then appear on a monitor in her home so she could survey any potentially unwanted guests.

She added other features to the system, including a microphone to speak to anyone at the door, a button to unlock the door, and a button to contact the police. She and her husband took out a patent for the system in the same year, and they were awarded the patent three years later in 1969. Home security systems commonly used today took various elements from her design.

The Three-Light Traffic Signal, Invented by Garrett Morgan in 1923

With only an elementary school education, Black inventor (and son of an enslaved parent), Garrett Morgan came up with several significant inventions, including an improved sewing machine and the gas mask. However, one of Morgan’s most influential inventions was the improved traffic light. Morgan’s was one of the first three-light systems that were invented in the 1920s, resulting in widespread adoption of the traffic lights we take for granted today.

Thanks to the successes of his other inventions, Morgan bought and car and, as a motorist, he witnessed a severe car accident at an intersection in his city of Cleveland, Ohio. In response, he decided to expand on the current traffic light by adding a “yield” component, warning oncoming drivers of an impending stop. He took out the patent for the creation in 1923, and it was granted to him the following year.

Refrigerated Trucks, Invented by Frederick McKinley Jones in 1940

If your refrigerator has any produce from your local grocery store, then you can credit African American inventor Frederick McKinley Jones. Jones took out more than 60 patents throughout his life, including a patent for the roof-mounted cooling system that’s used to refrigerate goods on trucks during extended transportation in the mid-1930s. He received a patent for his invention in 1940, and co-founded the U.S. Thermo Control Company, later known as Thermo King. The company was critical during World War II, helping to preserve blood, food and supplies during the war.

4 Ways to Save a Life

4 Ways to Save a Life   September is suicide prevention awareness month. At some point in our lives, many of us have felt so overwhelmed by depression and devoid of hope that we have thought about taking our own life or someone close to us has felt that way.

According to CDC figures, there were nearly twice as many suicides as homicides in the United States in 2020. In fact, suicide was the second leading cause of death for those between the ages of 10-14 and 25-34, the third for those aged 15-24, and the fourth for those 35-44. For anyone not in the grip of depression and despair, it can be difficult to understand why someone would want to take their own life. But the truth is that when someone’s suffering has become unbearable, suicide can seem like the only way out.

A suicidal person does not want to die, they just want the pain to stop. The last few years have been particularly difficult for many people, for many different reasons. But if you know someone who is desperate and may be considering suicide, there are things you can do to help save their life.

Recognize the warning signs Most suicidal people signal their intentions, however subtly. They may talk about death or harming themselves, feel hopeless and have nothing to look forward to, or gather drugs or weapons to act on their thoughts. They may also lose interest in day-to-day activities, neglect their appearance, or demonstrate dramatic swings in mood, behavior, sleeping, and eating patterns.  

Speak up It is never easy to talk to someone about suicide, especially if you’re worried you might be wrong or scared about upsetting the person. But speaking up now can help save your loved one’s life. Start by simply saying you are concerned about the changes in their mood or outlook. Listen to them express their feelings without judging or arguing. Then let them know that they’re not alone, you care deeply and want to help.  

Offer support You are not responsible for making a suicidal person get better. But you can encourage them to get help whether that is seeing a mental health professional or calling a crisis line. You can also help your loved one make a safety plan, steps they can take in a suicidal crisis, such as calling you, their therapist, or a helpline. If a suicide attempt seems imminent, call the emergency services number but never leave the person alone. 

Do not believe common misconceptions about suicide There is still a lot of stigma and misinformation surrounding suicidal thoughts and actions. Keep in mind the following: Feeling suicidal is not a character defect and it does not mean that someone is crazy or weak. It simply means that they have more emotional pain than they can cope with right now. Trying to fix a suicidal person’s problems, giving advice, or telling them how much they have to live for isn’t helpful. It is not about how bad their problem is, but how badly it is hurting them. You will not give someone suicidal ideas by talking about suicide. But talking openly and honestly about it can help save your loved one’s life and put them on the road to recovery.

Create A Plan Of Action

Trying to achieve a goal without a plan of action is like trying to build a house without a blueprint. You might be able to cobble something together, but it’s unlikely to be structurally sound or aesthetically pleasing. Conversely, a well-constructed plan can help you stay on track, avoid pitfalls, and ultimately achieve your goal.

Of course, creating a plan is only the first step; you must execute it effectively. That means setting realistic milestones, breaking down complex tasks into smaller steps, and monitoring your progress. If you find that you’re not making the progress you had hoped for, don’t be afraid to adjust your plan accordingly. The important thing is to keep moving forward until you reach your destination.

Don’t Be Afraid To Fail

When working towards a goal, it’s also important not to be afraid of failing. Failure is a part of the process; without it, you wouldn’t be able to learn and grow. Of course, it’s not pleasant to fail, but it’s important to remember that everyone experiences failure at some point in their lives. What separates successful people from those who don’t achieve their goals is that they don’t let failure discourage them.

Instead, they use it as a learning opportunity to help them get one step closer to their goal. So, don’t be afraid to fail if you’re working towards something and hit a setback. Remember that it’s all part of the journey.

April is stress awareness month

Everyone experiences stress at one point or another in their lives. However, we all experience stress and respond to stressful situations in different ways. How do you respond to stress? Where do you feel it in your body? Developing healthy ways to cope with stress and seeking support when needed is essential to living a healthy and fulfilling life.

Next time you feel stressed out, try one of the following:

Meditate, exercise

go for a walk

practice a breathing exercise

talk to a trusted friend

Celebrating National School Social Work Week, March 6-12, 2022.

The theme this year is “Time to Shine” 

This week provides the opportunity to celebrate the vital role that School Social Workers play to engage all students and the school community in the education process.

This is your Time to Shine! 

During these challenging times, your role is critical to address crisis intervention and prevention, attendance, addiction, disability, poverty or homelessness, grief and other barriers that can prevent students from reaching their full potential. Your work is priceless. Happy National School Social Work Week to all school social workers.

Women’s History Month

International Women’s Day

March 8, A Unique Date All Over the World

March is Women’s History Month. Nevertheless, international Women’s Day is celebrated on March 8 every year by women’s groups around the world. It is also celebrated at the United Nation (UN), and in many countries, it is a national holiday. When women from all continents, often divided by national borders and by ethnic, linguistic, cultural, economic and political differences, come together to celebrate their Day, they can see, if they look back, that it is a tradition representing at least 90 years of struggle for equality, justice, peace and development.

Women who made history

International Women’s Day is the story of ordinary women who made history. It has its roots in the struggle led by women for centuries to participate in society on an equal footing with men. In Greek antiquity, Lysistrata launched a « sex strike » against men to end war. During the French Revolution, Parisian women demanding « liberty, equality, fraternity » marched on Versailles to demand women’s suffrage.

The idea of ​​an International Women’s Day emerged at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries, a period characterized in the industrialized world by expansion and effervescence, explosive population growth and the emergence of radical ideologies.

Chronological landmarks

1909 – In accordance with a declaration by the American Socialist Party, the first National Women’s Day was observed throughout the United States on February 28. Women continued to celebrate this day on the last Sunday of February until 1913.

1910 – The Socialist International meeting in Copenhagen established an international Women’s Day to honor the movement for women’s rights and to help achieve universal suffrage for women. The proposal was unanimously approved by the conference which included more than 100 women from 17 countries, including the first three women elected to the Finnish Parliament. No specific date has been set for this celebration.

1911 – Following the decision taken in Copenhagen the previous year, International Women’s Day was celebrated for the first time, on March 19, in Germany, Austria, Denmark and Switzerland, where more than one million women and men attended rallies. In addition to the right to vote and hold public office, they demanded the right to work, to vocational training, and an end to discrimination in the workplace.

Less than a week later, on March 25, the tragic fire at the Triangle workshop in New York claimed the lives of more than 140 workers, mostly Italian and Jewish immigrants. This event had a strong influence on labor law in the United States, and the working conditions that led to this disaster were discussed during subsequent celebrations of International Women’s Day.

1913-1914 – As part of the pacifist movement fermenting on the eve of World War I, Russian women celebrated their first International Women’s Day on the last Sunday of February 1913. In other European countries, the 8 March or a day or two from that date, women held rallies either to protest against the war or to express their solidarity with their sisters.

1917 – With two million Russian soldiers killed in the war, Russian women again chose the last Sunday in February to strike for ‘bread and peace’. The political leaders protested against the date chosen for this strike, but the women ignored it. The rest is in the history books: four days later the Tsar was forced to abdicate, and the Provisional Government granted women the right to vote. This historic Sunday fell on February 23 in the Julian calendar then in use in Russia, but March 8 in the Georgian calendar used elsewhere.

Since these years, International Women’s Day has taken on a new global dimension in both developed and developing countries. The burgeoning women’s movement, which had been bolstered by four United Nations-sponsored world conferences on women, helped make the observance of the Day the rallying point for coordinated efforts to demand the realization women’s rights and their participation in the political and economic process. Increasingly, International Women’s Day is a time to reflect on progress, call for change, and celebrate acts of courage and determination by ordinary women who have played an extraordinary role in the history of human rights.


George Crum “The inventor of French Fries”

George Crum was born as George Speck in 1822 in Saratoga Lake, New York, the son of a Huron Native-American mother and an African-American father who worked as a jockey. He worked for a while as a mountain guide and trapper in the Adirondack Mountains in New York.

In 1853 he became the head chef at the Cary Moon’s Lake House in Lake Saratoga, New York and on one evening set out preparing the evening dinner for the guests. He intended to make French fries but a guest complained that they were too thick. Annoyed, he prepared another batch and sliced the potatoes extremely thin. After deep frying them in oil he found them very thin and very crisp and after adding salt found that the guests loved them. George began preparing the potatoes this way and they would soon become known as potato chips.

In 1860 George decided to open his own restaurant on Malta Avenue in Saratoga Lake. He featured potato chips as appetizers on each table. The restaurant was very successful and operated for 30 years, closing in 1890. Unfortunately, he never patented the potato chip, nor sought to market them outside of his restaurant. A few years after he retired, however, potato chips were mass marketed by others and would eventually become a six billion dollar a year industry.

Votre Enfance

Les événements traumatisants qui se sont produits lorsque vous étiez enfant peuvent continuer à affecter votre niveau de stress et votre santé globale à l’âge adulte. Une étude de 2014 de l’Université du Wisconsin-Madison a révélé que ceux-ci peuvent en fait modifier les parties du cerveau responsables du traitement du stress et des émotions. La façon dont vous avez été élevé peut également avoir un impact durable sur votre angoisse quotidienne, suggère une étude de l’Université Johns Hopkins de 2014. Les chercheurs ont découvert que les enfants de parents souffrant de troubles d’anxiété sociale sont plus susceptibles de développer une « anxiété par ruissellement » – pas simplement à cause de leurs gènes, mais à cause de leur envers eux, comme un manque de chaleur et d’émotion, ou des niveaux élevés de critique et doute.